Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Egg Tart round 2.

Kali pertama cuba masa aku pregnantkan riana.
The crust turns out fine and tasted very nice but the custard fail big time. It supposed done in 10 minutes but instead I have to prolonged the cooking time to 30 min! What a recipe..something amiss i guess.

then on last Sunday, I suddenly have the urge to eat egg tart. i start googling the recipe until I find this one (credit to hanis; myresepi) with minor alterations :

200g butter
30g gula aising
360g superfine flour
1 biji telur
1/2 sudu kecil esen vanila

1 cawan susu cair
4 biji telur
1 cawan gula
1 sudu besar tepung kastard
1/2 sudu kecil esen vanila
pewarna kuning

1. Pukul butter dan gula sampai kembang.
2. Masukkan telur sedikit demi sedikit.
3. Masukkan tepung sampai jadi doh.
4. Ratakan setebal 1/2 cm dan terap dalam acuan.
5. Cucuk dengan garfu supaya tidak kembung. Dan bakar selama 10min pada suhu 180.
6. Keluarkan dan masukkan filling. Bakar lagi 10 min.
7. Untuk filling. Campurkan semua bahan dan gaul hingga sebati.

hasilnya :

But anyway, egg tart is just not Ammar or hubby fav...they don't really enjoy it so I have to bring it to the office and have the feast with my colleagues. It tasted very nice. If you like eggy taste you can always add the amount of eggs though. Happy trying!


TashadeNatasha on February 4, 2009 at 1:40 PM said...

kak, bila post kat tasha ni?hehe
ammar, just remind me of my cute nephew.

Unknown on February 4, 2009 at 1:53 PM said...

hehehe..tasha, april ni ada pesta buku kan?
nanti bel buat satu foodies tuk tasha ya!

bhulat on February 4, 2009 at 4:48 PM said...

babe...aku pindah kat campbell complex jerrrr

Unknown on February 5, 2009 at 9:51 AM said...

campbell yang kat depan sogo tu kan?
wehh! dekat la tu!

Zilla on February 6, 2009 at 1:45 PM said...

bel, kalo nak lagi best tuk pastry tu blh tambah serbuk almond tau..


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